50 _ listening to music
Music List
File information including the artist name, album name, music title and genre will be
displayed according to the ID3 Tag information on the appropriate music fi le. A fi le without
an ID3 Tag is displayed as [Unknown].
Now Playing : Plays a recently played fi le or moves to the playback screen of the current
fi le.
Artists : To play by artist Albums : To play by album
Songs : To play in numeric or alphabetical order Genres : To play by genre
Playlists : To play by Playlist.
Music Browser : Shows all the music fi les stored in the Music Folder.
MP3 and WMA music fi les are compatible with the player.
MP1 or MP2 fi les which only have a changed extension to MP3 may not play on the
What is an ID3 Tag?
This is what is attached to an MP3 to carry information relevant to the fi le such as
the title, artist, album, year, genre and a comment fi eld.