Play video and music > Music
Search for a music fi le
You can search for music fi les by entering keywords.
Open the quick tray and then tap .
Tap a search option you want.
Option Description
Artists Search by artist name
Albums Search by album name
Songs Search by song tiltle
Enter a keyword on the search fi eld.
If you selected <Artists> or <Albums>, tap an
artist or album name.
Tap a music fi le you want from the search list.
You cannot search for music fi les with no track information
(ID3 tag).
Create playlists
There is one default playlist and you can create up to 3 playlists.
Create a playlist
In the main menu, tap .
Tap <Playlists>.
Tap at the bottom of the screen and tap <Add
New Playlist>.
Enter a name for your new playlist and tap <OK>.
To rename a playlist, tap <Rename> from the option list.