
Erasing Ready Link List Entries
Erasing an Entry in Your Personal List or Personal
Group List
To erase a contact or a group:
1. From the PCS Ready Link List,press Go to (left softkey),
highlight Personal List or Personal Groups, and press .
2. Highlight the entry you want to erase and press Options(right
3. Highlight Eraseand press .
Erase Groupappears when you select Personal Groups.
4. Select Yes and press .
To erase a group member:
1. From the PCS Ready Link List,press Go to (left softkey),
highlight Personal Groups, and press .
2. Highlight your desired group and press to display the group
3. Highlight the contact you want to erase and press Options(right
4. Highlight Eraseand press .
5. Select Yes and press .
6. Press Update(left softkey)to update your Personal Group List.
Erasing a PCS Ready Link List
You can erase all entries saved in the PCS Ready Link List (except
Company List/Company Groups).
To erase a PCS Ready Link List:
1. From the PCS Ready Link List,press Options(right softkey).
2. Highlight Erase R-Link List and press .
Section 2J: Using PCS Ready Link 147