
Primary Lithium Batteries
A single lithium battery generates
approx. 3V, twice the output of
conventional batteries.
Spiral electrode structure ensures
high-rate current discharge.
Low self-discharge rate and long life.
Self-discharge rate: less than 1%
a year at room temperature.
Usable over a wide temperature range.
Operational temperature range:
Crimp-sealing type: 40 to 60
Laser-sealing type: 40 to 85
Consult Sanyo when using batteries at temperatures exceeding
the 20 to 60 range.
Stable discharge characteristics.
Superior leakage resistance.
Extremely safe (UL recognized component: File No. MH12383).
fully automatic cameras with flash and exposure meter DSC
lighting radios electronic locks medical equipment
water, gas and electricity meters memory backup power sources
When the batteries are used with a contact system
Use nickel-plated phosphor bronze or stainless steel for
terminal materials to make contact with the batteries.
For stable contact conditions, several N of contact pressure
are recommended for the contact.
Pulse Discharge Characteristics CR-V3
Pulse Discharge Characteristics CR2 Temperature Characteristics CR17450E-R
Pulse Discharge Characteristics CR123A
High-power Cylindrical Type Primary Lithium Batteries