To remove the compact spare tire, do the following:
A. Hoist Shaft
B. Hoist Assembly
C. Retainer
D. Compact Spare Tire
E. Extension
(Chisel End)
F. Folding Wrench
1. Attach the folding wrench (F) to the
extension (E) and insert the chisel end on
an angle through the hole in the rear bumper
and into the hoist shaft (A).
2. Turn the folding wrench counterclockwise to
lower the compact spare tire (D) to the
ground. Continue to turn the wrench so the
compact spare tire can be pulled out from
under the vehicle.
3. Tilt the retainer at the end of the cable to
remove the compact spare tire, so it can
be pulled up through the wheel opening.
The hoist is used to store a full-size or a flat
road tire under the vehicle. See Storing a
Flat or Spare Tire and Tools on page 497
for more information.
4. Remove the compact spare tire from the cable.