
Additional Services for Canadian
Trip Routing Service: Upon request,
Roadside Assistance will send you detailed,
computer personalized maps, highlighting your
choice of either the most direct route or the
most scenic route to your destination,
anywhere in North America, along with any
helpful travel information we may have
pertaining to your trip. To request this service,
please call us toll-free at 1-800-268-6800.
We will make every attempt to send your
personalized trip routing as quickly as possible,
but it is best to allow three weeks before your
planned departure date. Trip routing requests
will be limited to six per calendar year.
Trip Interruption Benefits and Assistance:
In the event of a warranty related vehicle
disablement, while en route and over
250 kilometres from original point of departure,
you may qualify for trip interruption expense
assistance. This assistance covers reasonable
reimbursement of up to a maximum of
$500 (Canadian) for (A) meals (maximum of
$50/day), (B) lodging (maximum of $100/night),
and (C) alternate ground transportation
(maximum of $40/day). This benefit is to assist
you with some of the unplanned expense you
may incur while waiting for your vehicle to be
Pre-authorization, original detailed receipts and
a copy of the repair order are required.
Once authorization has been given, your
advisor will help you make any necessary
arrangements and explain how to claim for trip
interruption expense assistance.
Alternative Service: There may be times when
Roadside Assistance cannot provide timely
assistance, your advisor may authorize you to
secure local emergency road service, and you
will be reimbursed up to $100 upon submission
of the original receipt to Roadside Assistance.
In many instances, mechanical failures are
covered under Saturn’s Bumper-to-Bumper
warranty for U.S. customers, and the duration
of the Base Warranty Coverage for Canadian
customers of the New Vehicle Limited Warranty.
However, any cost for parts and labor for
non-warranty repairs are the responsibility of
the driver.