Battery Replacement
To change the batteries on the headphones, do the
1. Turn the screw to loosen the battery door located
on the left side of the headphones. Slide the
battery door open.
2. Replace the two batteries in the compartment.
Make sure that they are installed correctly, using the
diagram on the inside of the battery compartment.
3. Replace the battery door and tighten the
door screw.
If the headphones are to be stored for a long period of
time, remove the batteries and keep them in a cool,
dry place.
Theft-Deterrent Feature
is designed to discourage theft of the
vehicle’s radio. The feature works automatically by
learning a portion of the Vehicle Identification Number
(VIN). If the radio is moved to a different vehicle, it does
not operate and LOC, LOCK, or LOCKED could display.
With THEFTLOCK activated, the radio does not operate
if stolen.
Audio Steering Wheel Controls
Radio controls are located
on the right side of the
steering wheel. If your
vehicle has this feature,
some audio controls can
be adjusted at this location.
They include the following:
e + e − (Volume): Press the plus or minus button to
increase or to decrease the volume.
wx(Previous/Next): Press the arrows to go to the
previous or to the next stored radio station and stay there.
Press and hold the arrows briefly to advance to the
previous or to the next station with a strong signal in
the selected band.
When a CD is playing, press the arrows to go to the
previous or to the next track. Press and hold the arrows
briefly to continue reversing back or advancing ahead to
other tracks within the disc.