Capacities and Specifications
The following approximate capacities are given in English and metric conversions. Please refer to Recommended
Fluids and Lubricants on page 6-12 for more information.
English Metric
Air Conditioning Refrigerant R134a
For the air conditioning system refrigerant
charge amount, see the refrigerant caution
label located under the hood. See your
dealer/retailer for more information.
Cooling System
2.0L L4 Engine — Automatic 9.2 qt 8.7 L
2.0L L4 Engine — Manual 9.5 qt 9.0 L
2.4L L4 Engine — Automatic 8.7 qt 8.2 L
2.4L L4 Engine — Manual 8.9 qt 8.4 L
Engine Oil with Filter
2.0L L4 and 2.4L L4 5.0 qt 4.7 L
Fuel Tank 13.6 gal 51.5 L
Transmission, Automatic (Bottom Pan Removal) 7.4 qt 7.0 L
Transmission, Manual (Complete Drain and Refill) 2.75 qt 2.6 L
Wheel Nut Torque 100 lb ft 140 Y
All capacities are approximate. When adding, be sure to fill to the approximate level, as recommended
in this manual.