Thank you for buying this product.
The Setup section describes how to
choose a suitable location for the ma-
chine and install various parts in
preparation for turning on the power.
In addition, it lists the basic settings
that are necessary to get the machine
up and running.
For how to get the most out the ad-
vanced features of this product,
please refer to the rest of this manual.
Before you continue, please take a
few moments to read the safety in-
formation to avoid any damage to
the machine or injury to yourself
or others. seeP.iii
“Safety Informa-
Choosing the Machine
For the best possible performance, in-
stall your machine in a place which
satisfies the following conditions:
• Not exposed to direct sunlight.
• Well ventilated (air turnover at
least three times per hour). To
avoid buildup of ozone, install the
machine in a large, well-ventilated
room which has an air turnover of
more than 30 cubic yards per hour
per person.
• Level
• Not subject to vibration
• Away from other electronic equip-
ment (to avoid interference)
• Away from areas exposed to corro-
sive gas
• Dust-free
• Condensation-free
• Temperature in the range 50
• Humidity in the range 15%–80%
• Away from heaters and air condi-
tioners in order to avoid sudden
changes of temperature
• Within 5 yards of a three-pin
grounded power outlet (115 volts,
60 Hz)
• Within the clearance shown below
• At least 11.81" (30 cm) clearance to
the left of the machine is necessary
when clearing paper jams, chang-
ing the toner cartridge etc.
Installing the Machine
Fitting the Manual Pocket
Follow the steps below to fit the pock-
et for storing the Facsimile Quick