Module status LED 2 The table below shows the meaning of the flashing signals for the
module status.
Color LED Meaning for EtherNet/IP
Meaning for Modbus TCP
- Off No power supply No IP address or no power supply
Green/yellow Flashing Start-up Start-up
Green On Ready for operation Ready for operation
Green Flashing Module is not configured or scanner is
Not ready (no connection, ...)
Red Flashing Recoverable error Recoverable error
Red On Irrecoverable error Irrecoverable error
1) Depends on the selected protocol (parameter EthMode)
Network status LED 4 The table below shows the meaning of the flashing signals for the net-
work status.
Color LED Meaning for EtherNet/IP
Meaning for Modbus TCP
- Off No IP address or no power supply No IP address or no power supply
Green/yellow Flashing Start-up Start-up
Green On Connected At least 1 port is connected and the IP
address has been set
Green Flashing 3 times - No connection, IP address has been set
Green Flashing 4 times - IP address conflict
Green Flashing 5 times - BOOTP or DHCP active
Green Flashing No connection -
Red Flashing Timeout -
Red On IP address conflict -
1) Depends on the selected protocol (parameter EthMode)
7 Diagnostics and troubleshooting
Modbus-TCP module
0198441113843, V1.01, 01.2012