63230-216-207/A3 Chapter 4—Connections
9/2002 Communications Wiring
© 2002 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
COMMUNICATIONS WIRING The maximum number of devices supported on a single daisy chain is
determined based on baud rate, the length of the daisy chain, and the types
of RS-485 devices (2-wire/4-wire) on the daisy chain. The RS-485 interface
supports daisy chains as specified in Table 4–3 and Table 4–4.
Table 4–3: Daisy Chain Maximum Distances 4-Wire
Baud Rate
Maximum Distances*
1–16 Devices 17–32 Devices
1200 10,000 ft (3,048 m) 10,000 ft (3,048 m)
2400 10,000 ft (3,048 m) 5,000 ft (1,524 m)
4800 10,000 ft (3,048 m) 5,000 ft (1,524 m)
9600 10,000 ft (3,048 m) 4,000 ft (1,219 m)
19200 5,000 ft (1,524 m) 2,500 ft (762 m)
38400 4,000 ft (1,219 m) 1,500 ft (457 m)
* Due to the volume of RS-485 devices in the field, this table is only to be used as a guide and
was tabulated based on POWERLOGIC 4-wire devices and POWERLOGIC 4-wire devices
that support 2-wire connections.
Table 4–4: Daisy Chain Maximum Distances 2-Wire
Baud Rate
Maximum Distances*
1–8 Devices 9–16 Devices
1200 10,000 ft (3,048 m) 10,000 ft (3,048 m)
2400 10,000 ft (3,048 m) 5,000 ft (1,524 m)
4800 9,000 ft (2,743
m) 5,000 ft (1,524 m)
9600 6,000 ft (1,829 m) 4,000 ft (1,219 m)
19200 3,000 ft (915 m) 2,500 ft (762 m)
38400 2,000 ft (610 m) 1,500 ft (457 m)
* Due to the volume of RS-485 devices in the field, this table is only to be used as a guide and
was tabulated based on POWERLOGIC 4-wire devices and POWERLOGIC 4-wire devices
that support 2-wire connections.