
IF the date code is A through J, check to see that the two black rubber caps are in place. Without these in
place the camera is not sitting properly and out of reach of the shutter button. If any of the rubber caps
are missing, SeaLife can ship out a new rubber caps that the consumer can replace (Item# SL11052).
IF the date code is equal to K or greater, the black rubber caps are not necessary.
Other possible answer(s):
The shutter button on the housing should only require about 3 pounds of force to activate. Gently press
and hold the shutter button, and never push with excessive force. The camera will not take a picture no
matter how hard you push the shutter IF the flash is not fully charged. Practice pushing the shutter button
gently and get a feel for the amount of pressure required to activate the shutter.
If you are still experiencing any issues with the shutter button, please contact the SeaLife service center.
Q – Some of the buttons on the back of the housing do not reach the inner camera:
A – Three of the navigational buttons on the back of the housing require a black rubber button cover (item
# SL15005), as shown in the picture below. If this button cover is missing, please contact your local
authorized SeaLife dealer or contact SeaLife Customer Service.