See Figure 9.
For ease of operation and maintaining proper control, your
router has two handles, one on each side ofthe router base.
When using your router hold it firmty with both hands as
shown in figure 9. Turn router on and letmotor build to its full
speed, then gradually feed cutter into workpiece. Remain
alert and watch what you are doing. DO NOT operate router
when fatigued.
See Figure 10.
When used freehand, your router becomes a flexible and
versatile tool. This flexibility makes itpossible to easily rout
signs, relief sculptures, etc.
There are two basic techniques for freehand routing:
• Routing letters, grooves, and patterns into wood. See
Figure 10.
• Routing out the background, leaving the letters or
pattern raised above _e surface.
When freehand routing, we suggest the following:
• Draw or layout the pattern on workpiece.
• Choose the appropriate cutter.
NOTE: A core box or V-groove bit is often used for
routing letters and engraving objects. Straight bits and
ball mills are often used to make relief carvings. Veining
bits are used to carve small, intricate details.
• Rout the pattern in two or more passes. Make the first
pass at 25% of the desired depth of cut. This will
provide better control as well as being a guide for the
next pass.
• DO NOT rout deeper than 1/8 in. per pass or cut.