Youhave purchasedan aircompressorunitoonsisilngof
a 1 _'lir',der, sing_staga air compressorpump, an air
tank,air hose,wheels, handle,and associatedcontrols
Youwillalso lindan air chuck.
T'-_sair compressor requiresno oil, Now you can enjoy
all the benefffsofhaving an air compressorwltl_outever
havingto purchase,add or change oil
Your air compressorcan be used for operating paint
sprayguns, air loois, caul_ng guns, grease guns,air
bruohes, sandbtaBtens,or inflatingtiresand plasticto_p_,
sprayingweed klllers, insecticides,etc.
_p_ra_e air tran:dormerswhichcombine the functions
of air regulptionand/ofmoistureanddirtremovalshould
Air Compressor Pump: To compress air, the piston
moves upand downIn thecyllt_te_oOn the downstroke,
aimsdrawninthroughtheair intakevalves,The exhaust
valvererr_lnsctose_t.Onthe upstroke ofthepiston,a{ris
compressed. The intakevalves €_o=e_nd compressed
air is for_edout throughthe e_haus!valve, throughthe
outlet tube,lhmugh the checkvalve and into theair tank,
Workingair is not _vallable untl_the compressorhas
raisedthe airtankp_essureabovethatrequired at the air
Check Valve;Wh_ file aircompressorIsoperating, I._e
chock v_Jvo(s "open",allowing compressed airto enter
the aft tank.Whenthe aircompressorreaches"cut-,out"
pre_eure,the checkvalve "=loses", allowing airpressure
tOn_m=tnInside the air tank,
Preaaure Releue Valve; The pressurereleasevalve
located on thesideofthepressureswitch, is designedto
automatically release compr_8Od air from the com-
_essor ha_d and the outlet;tube whenthe _ir compres-
sot reaches"cut-out" pm_;_ or is _hut off, If the air Is
notreleased, the motorwilltryto=t¢,rt,but wigbe unable
t_. Thepressurerel_=sevalveallows the motortor_._r t
freely.When them_tor stops running,air will be heard
escapingfrom thevalveforafew seconds.Noair should
be heardleaking whenthe motor is running,
Pressure Switch: The presSureswirchautomatically
start_themotorwhenthe sir tl_,rtkpressuredropsbeiOW
the f_otoryeel "¢ut,-in"pressure,tt _ops the motorwhen
the air tank pressurereaches the factory set =cut-out"
Safety Valve: Ifthepressure=witchdoes notshutoffthe
air compressor at itscut-outpressuresel_[ng,the safety
at iLspre-set p_ss_re.
Regulator: The air pressure comingfromthe air tan_ is
controlled by the regulator knob, Turn the knob
clcckwlseto incn_e pressureand counter.clockwise
to decreasepressure.To_rvoldminorre_djuslmentafter
ma_ng a change in pressures_tttng, alwaysapproach
the desired pressure from a i_wer pressure. When
reducing1tOma h_gherto a lowersetting,flintred_ce lo
some pressuretessth_n that desired, then bringup to
the desired pressure,.Dependingonthe air requirements
of e_,ch particular accessory, the out(at regulated air
pressUr_may h_v_ to be adjustedwillie oper_ting
Outlet Prauurl Gauge: The outlet pressuregauge
indicates the air pressurea'_aJlab_e_t the ou_letsideof
the taguiatOr,ThL_pressureis controlledby theregulator
and is atways less or eq_Jalto the tank pressure.See
"Operating Procedures,,"
l_nk Pmuure Gauge: The tank pressureg_uge indi-
o_tes the refer'tinairpressure inthe t=nk,