Angular values are converted from DEG to RAD to GRAD with each push of the DRG
key. T his function is used when doing calculations related to trigonometric functions or
coordinate geometry conversions.
( /2)
6 . A N G U L A R U N I T
(in DEG mode)
O per ation
D isplay
90° (DEG) =
/2 (RAD) =
100 (G RAD) =
The relationships between the three types
of angular units can be expressed as right:
C heck to confirm 90 degrees equaling /2 radians
equaling 100 grads. ( =3.14159...)
Angular indicator
D egr ees ( D E G is shown at the top of the display)
A commonly used unit of measure for angles. The angular measure of a circle
is expressed as 360°.
R adians ( R A D is shown at the top of the display)
Radians are different than degrees and express angles based on the circumfer-
ence of a circle. 180° is equivalent to radians. Therefore, the angular mea-
sure of a circle is 2 radians.
G r ads ( G R A D is shown at the top of the display)
Grads are a unit of angular measure used in Europe, particularly in France. An
angle of 90 degrees is equivalent to 100 grads.