11. Troubleshooting
Problem #1: I’m having trouble finding the satellite signal.
Try each of the following:
• The cable can be plugged into any of the 4 available
ports on the quad LNB, but must be plugged into the SAT
IN port on the Shaw Direct receiver.
• Make sure all cables are secure and re-verify your
azimuth, elevation and skew setting for your location.
Make sure the mast’s straight section is plumb.
• Adjust the elevation by +1 degree from the setting you
recorder earlier and repeat the steps in "Tuning to the
• Adjust the elevation by –1 degree from your original
setting you recorder earlier and repeat the steps in
"Tuning to the Satellite".
• Ensure cables are connected properly at the grounding
Problem #2: I can’t change channels.
Try each of the following:
• Power cycle the receiver by unplugging it, waiting for
30 seconds, and plugging it back into the AC outlet. Turn
on the receiver and try selecting channel 284 or 299
again with your remote.
• If you are still unable to select 284 or 299, consult with
Shaw Direct.
If you still can’t select or acquire signal on 284 or 299
and the digits A4 do not appear in the Satellite Box in
the Tune in Satellite Signal screen, call us at
1.888.554.7827 to reactivate your system.