Chapter 2 Operation
2.6 Sensor Tooling
Sensor Tooling adjusts for the difference in deposition rate between the sensor and the
substrate being coated. It is an empirically determined value that matches the sensor
readings to your vacuum system.
Over 100%
Under 100%
The first Tooling is set in the Film Parameters Menu and is applied to the averaged Rate
and Thickness for all sensors assigned to that film. Film Tooling is a film specific value.
The second Tooling Factor, xTooling, is set in the System Parameters menu. It adjusts
the tooling for each individual sensor before it is averaged. xTooling for a sensor
applies to all films. If the individual sensor xToolings are set properly, a sensor failure
will not cause a jump in the average Rate and Thickness reading.
To adjust xTooling:
1. Press Program to enter program mode.
2. Press Prev to enter the System Parameters Menu
3. Press Next until FRQ DISP is shown, then press the Control Knob.
4. Adjust the Control Knob to set the XTLTOOL 1 value
5. Depress the Control Knob to save the value and move to XTALTOOL 2.
6. Repeat Steps 4-5 for each of the installed sensors.
7. Press Program to exit the System Parameters Menu and return to normal mode.