
If the auger drive slips (auger slows or doesn't rotate nor-
mally while blowing snow), or stays engaged when the
control is disengaged — and the auger clutch rod has
been properly adjusted — the auger drive belt may be
out of adjustment.
Checking Auger Belt & Belt Guide
1. Insert the Engine Key and start the Snowthrower.
2. Engage and disengage the Auger Control a series of
ten times, checking that the auger comes to a com-
plete stop within 5 seconds after the control is disen-
gaged each time.
3. If the auger comes to a complete stop each time with-
in 5 seconds, the adjustment is correct. If the auger
does NOT come to a complete stop within the neces-
sary 5 seconds, the adjustment is incorrect: readjust-
ing the Auger Belt & Belt Guide according to the pro-
cedures below.
Adjusting Auger Drive Belt
1. Make certain that the snowthrower is off, the Engine
Key has been removed, and the spark plug discon-
2. Check that there is no slack in the auger drive clutch
rod (see Figure 22a). If there is, follow the Auger
Drive Clutch Rod Adjustment procedure on page 17.
3. Measure the length of the auger drive clutch spring
(Figure 22a).
4. Fully depress the auger control and measure the
expanded length of the spring.
The spring should expand 19/64”-5/16”. If the spring
deflection is less than 19/64”-5/16” the auger idler
pulley must be adjusted. Proceed to step 5.
5. Using a 3/8” wrench, loosen the Belt Cover screws
and remove the Belt Cover.
6. Loosen the adjustment bolt (see Figure 22b) and
move the auger idler pulley.
7. Tighten the adjustment bolt and repeat steps 3-4.
8. Test run the unit. The auger must NOT rotate unless
the Auger Control lever has been depressed. Proper
Auger Drive Belt adjustments stop the auger within 5
seconds after the Auger Control is disengaged. If the
auger drive fails either of these tests, loosen the idler
Figure 21. Auger Control and Belt Cover Location
Belt Cover
Auger must NOT rotate unless the Auger Control
lever has been depressed.
Proper Auger Drive Belt
adjustments stop the auger within 5 seconds after
the Auger Control is disengaged.
Auger Control
Figure 22b. Auger Drive Belt, Guide and Pulley
Auger Idler
Auger Idler
Drive Belt
Figure 22a.Auger Drive Clutch Rod
Auger Drive
Clutch Rod
Auger Drive
Clutch Rod Spring
Hex Nuts
Idler Rod
Right Handle
Measure Spring
Length, Spring
Should Expand
5/16” When Auger
is Engaged
9. After adjusting the Auger Drive Belt, the Auger Belt
Guide MUST BE adjusted according to the
Auger Belt Guide
procedure which follows.