
About This Guide
As you‘ll soon realize, the Smart Label Printer is easy to set up and use. Chances are, once
you’ve read what you need to know in order to get going, you won’t have to use this guide
except as a quick reminder or a reference.
This guide will help you set up your SLP 410, 420, 430, 440 or 450, install the software, and
use your SLP.
In writing this guide we assume that you are familiar with common operations using
Microsoft Windows 2000 or Windows XP on a Windows compatible PC, or Mac OS X v10.2
or later on an Apple Macintosh computer.
This guide has six sections for easy reference:
Introduction, provides some general information about the SLP 410/420/430/440/450 and
the Smart Label program.
Getting Started, provides instructions for connecting the SLP 410/420/430/440/450 to your
Windows-compatible PC or Mac, and loading labels into the printer. It also describes how
to use on-line help.
Changing Labels and Printer Care, provides information for replacing a label roll and taking
care of your SLP.
Specifications, provides SLP 410/420/430/440/450 specifications.
Commonly Asked Questions and Answers, provides a list of questions and answers that can
help you resolve problems.
Technical Support and Service, provides technical support and service information.
Ordering Labels and Parts, provides information for ordering SmartLabels and replacement
parts and accessories.