ModelName: Falcon_E
PartNumber: 4-164-613-11
Watching Videos
Table of
Playing only video sound [On-Hold Display]
You can set to turn off the video screen during the player is on hold, allowing
you to enjoy the sound of videos only.
Setting this option to [No] saves battery power for longer battery life.
From the Home menu, select [Settings]
[Video Settings]
[On-Hold Display]
desired On-Hold Display setting type.
Type Description
[Yes] When the player is on hold, the buttons are deactivated,
but videos will be played back normally. (Default
[No] When the player is on hold, the buttons are deactivated
and the screen turns off, but the sound of the current
video is played back.
Arranging the video list [Order of Video List]
Arranges the video list by date or by title.
From the Home menu, select [Settings]
[Video Settings]
[Order of Video List]
desired order of video list type.
Type Description
[Date/Time (Oldest)] Arranges the video list by transfer/record date in
ascending order.
[Date/Time (Newest)] Arranges the video list by transfer/record date in
descending order. (Default setting)
[Title (A>Z)] Arranges the video list by title in ascending order.
[Title (Z>A)] Arranges the video list by title in descending order.