
• IC501 MB90F045PF-G-9014-SPE1 (SYSTEM CONTROL) (MAIN BOARD (3/3))
Pin No. Pin Name I/O Pin Description
1 AREASEL0 I Destination setting pin
2 AREASEL1 I Destination setting pin
3 AREASEL2 I Frequency select signal input
4 B-OUT SEL I Blackout existence distinction signal input (L: blackout none, H: blackout)
5 BEEP O BEEP signal output
6 CYRIL_SEL I Distinction pin for Cyril word. (L: not for the Kiril word, H: for the Kiril word)
7 NOSE_SW I Front panel detaching detection signal input (L: Panel on, H: Panel off)
8 DIAG I Status signal input from power amplifier.
9VOLATT O Electronic volume attenuate control signal output.
10 NCO O Not used. (Open)
11 VSS Ground
12 TUATT O Tuner mute control signal output
13 NSMASK O Noise mask signal output Not used in this set. (Open)
14 ILLUMI_SEL1 I Illumination voltage setting pin
15 ILLUMI_SEL2 I Illumination voltage setting pin
16, 17 NCO O Not used. (Open)
18 to 20 NCO O Not used. (Open)
21, 22 NCO O Not used. (Open)
23 VCC5 Power supply (+3.3V)
24 EEP_SIO I/O EEPROM bus serial data input/output
25 EEP_CKO O EEPROM bus serial clock output
26 AMPSTB O Power AMP standby signal output
27 LCD_CE O LCD driver chip enable signal output
28 LCD_SO O LCD driver serial data signal output
29 LCD_SCK O LCD driver serial clock signal output
30 RDS ON O RDS ON signal output Not used in this set. (Open)
31 RE-IN0 I Rotary encoder signal input 0
32 RE-IN1 I Rotary encoder signal input 1
33 I2C_CKO O I2C bus serial clock signal output
34 I2C_SIO I/O I2C bus serial data signal input/output
35 DAVDD A/D converter power supply (+3.3V)
36 AVRH A/D converter external reference power supply (+3.3V)
37 DAVSS A/D converter Ground
38 QUALITY I Noise detect signal input
39 VSM I S-meter voltage detect signal input
40 KEYIN1 I Key signal input 1
41 KEYIN0 I Key signal input 0
42 VSS Ground
43 RC_IN0 I Rotary commander key signal input Not used in this set. (Pull up)
44 to 48 NCO O Not used. (Open)
49 MD0 I Operation mode setting pin (Pull up)
50 MD1 I Operation mode setting pin (Pull up)
51 MD2 I Operation mode setting pin (Pull down)
52 KEYACK I Key acknowledgment detect signal input
53 TU_ATTIN I Tuner mute zero cross detect signal input Not used in this set. (Pull down)
54 BUIN I Back-up power supply detect signal input
55 NCO O Not used. (Open)
56 DAVN I RDS data block synchronized detect signal input Not used in this set. (Pull down)