Using your printer with Macintosh computers
Menu Item Setting
Copies & Pages Pages To print all the pages, select “All”. To
print part of the pages, specify the pages to
start and end printing.
Copies Enter the number of copies to be printed.
Layout Select the layout direction.
General Select OverCoat either from “Glossy” or “Texture”.
Color Correction You can set color tones, density and sharpness.
Preview Displays a preview of the image for printing.
Click “Print”.
Printing starts. To stop printing, click “Cancel”.
If printing has already started and the print paper has already been loaded, do not
cancel printing. Paper jam may occur. Please wait until the printing is completed.
When an error occurs during printing in the Mac OS X v.10.1
If an error occurs, follow the procedures.
1 If the right dialog box is
displayed, click “Show
The error description is displayed.
2 • To stop printing: Click
“Delete Job”.
• To resume printing: Click
“Stop Job”.
When you select “Stop Job”, the
following dialog box is displayed.
3 Remove the error and select
the job from the list box and
then click “Retry”.