ENGLISHRaising AIBO – the handbook
Why does AIBO mature?
AIBO was created as a robot that will mature. But does AIBO really need to grow up?
Until now, robots were created with the most advanced functions already in place.
For example, industrial robots working in a factory are expected to weld, paint or do
other work perfectly with no rest from the time they arrive at the factory.
Why is AIBO different?
The reason is that AIBO was born to live together with people in the same
environment. AIBO has its own will based on emotion and instinct. Nevertheless,
AIBO will never be too greedy and will never let you down. We want AIBO to be a
good partner and share its life with you.
We gave AIBO the capacity to mature so that it can react to your actions and its
surroundings. For example, if you let AIBO play with the ball every day, it will grow
to love playing with the ball. Or if rather than playing with AIBO, you simply watch
it, AIBO will become independent and wander around while it waits for you to play
with it.
In short, AIBO was given the capacity to mature so that it can get to know an
unknown user (that’s you!) and learn to live in an unknown environment
(your home).
We hope AIBO will become a good partner for you.