Autonomous mode
Pick-up condition
Jam condition
If something gets
jammed in any of the
AIBO robot’s joints, the
AIBO robot goes into
this condition and all of
its joints become loose.
This mode is provided to
protect your fingers from
being caught between
the AIBO robot’s joints.
When you press two or more of the paw
sensors of the AIBO robot, the AIBO robot
thinks it has been placed on the floor, and
returns to Autonomous mode. the AIBO
robot may start to walk after returning to
Autonomous mode, so avoid touching any
of the AIBO robot
s paw sensors when you
are holding it.
When you lift the AIBO robot, the AIBO
robot assumes a position that makes it
easier for you to hold it. This is to
prevent people from dropping the AIBO
robot, in reaction to movements that
may cause surprise.
Rest mode
Station mode
• The AIBO robot dismounts the Energy
Station by itself
• The AIBO robot is removed from the
Energy Station
• The AIBO robot mounts the Energy
Station by itself
• The AIBO robot is placed on the Energy
Station while active
On the Energy Station, the AIBO robot wakes up
and goes to sleep at a preset time.
Pause mode
(inactive condition)
The AIBO robot does not
move around. In this mode
the AIBO robot stays still
and does not respond to
voice commands, other
sounds, or show interest in
the ball and AIBOne toy.
Touch the chin and
front (blue) sensors
on the AIBO robot’s
back for 3 seconds
• Place on the
• Touch the
head sensor
for 3 seconds
When the AIBO robot
is awake
The AIBO robot
relaxes while
being recharged.
When the AIBO robot is sleeping
The AIBO robot is sound asleep.
If you remove the AIBO robot
from the Energy Station, it will be
in Autonomous mode, even if the
hour is outside its set activity
At wake-up
At bedtime
The AIBO robot moves around on its own.
The AIBO robot collects information via its
camera/microphones/sensors and acts
autonomously based on its own feelings
and instincts.
The Pause button on the back of the
AIBO robot was pressed to turn the
power OFF.
The AIBO robot must be in this mode
to replace the battery or
“Memory Stick” media, or to change
the ON/OFF setting of the wireless
LAN switch.
• Mail check
• Message check
Game mode
Name the AIBO
Teach the AIBO
robot your name and
your face
Have the AIBO robot
take a picture
• Mail
• Message
• Touch the front (blue)
back sensor
• Touch the center
(orange) back
• Touch the front (blue)
back sensor
• Touch the rear (red)
back sensor
• Touch the rear (red)
back sensor
• Talk to the
AIBO robot
Wake-up time for the AIBO
Bedtime for the AIBO robot
Chime ON/OFF
You can set up the
The game starts!
Clock setup
When self-charging is
complete, the AIBO robot
will dismount the Energy
Station by itself.
Energy Station
dismount setup
You can also have fun
raising the AIBO robot
from the puppy stage.
To cancel setup by
voice guide, touch
the head sensor for
3 seconds to return
the AIBO robot to
Autonomous mode.
Development control
You can check the
AIBO robot’s
Have the AIBO
robot wake you up!
• Touch the front and
rear back sensors
simultaneously for
3 seconds
Top menu
• Touch the center
(orange) back
• Touch the head
sensor for 3
• Talk to the AIBO robot
• Show “Alarm
On/Off (J)” card
When you show the AIBO robot
the “Clinic Mode (O)” card in
Autonomous mode, it goes
straight into Clinic mode.
When you show the AIBO robot the
“Game Mode (L)” card in Autonomous
mode, the game begins right away.
When you show the AIBO robot the
“Alarm Clock Set Up (I)” card in
Autonomous mode, it goes straight into
the mode to set up the time you want it
to wake up.
• Do not put the AIBO robot on an unstable surface
where it might fall or be subject to vibrations.
• Do not place anything near the AIBO robot that may
hinder its movements.
Sensor locations
• Pick up while
touching the
back sensors*
• Pick up quickly
has jammed
one of the
AIBO robot’s
Touch two or more
back sensors (any
of the combinations
on the left) for 3
Voice Guide
When the AIBO robot is in Autonomous mode, all the activities and settings shown below are possible. When the AIBO robot is in
Station mode (when it is awake), all the activities and settings shown below except those marked with an asterisk (
) are possible.
Entertainment Robot feature and mode map
Touch the
sensor for
3 seconds
Touch the
sensor for
3 seconds
Refer to the “User’s Guide
Network)” for the AIBO
Entertainment Robot.
Head sensor Back sensors
Front Rear
Mode indicators OFF
Mode indicators OFF
Mode indicators turn orange
Mode indicators turn green
Mode indicators slowly flash green
Mode indicators
turn pink
Mode indicators
turn yellow