Low Battery Level • You cannot format the memory or erase all the files in a folder
because of insufficient battery power. Replace the old LR03 (size
AAA) alkaline batteries with new ones. Or charge the
rechargeable batteries (page 12) or replace the old rechargeable
batteries with new ones.
File Protected • The selected file is protected or is a “Read only” file. You cannot
erase it. Cancel the protection on the IC recorder or cancel “Read
only” on your computer to edit the file using the IC recorder
(page 84).
Already Set • The selected file has already been set for alarm playback. Select
the other file.
• You set the alarm to play back a file at a date and time previously
set on another file. Change the alarm setting.
Past Date/Time • You set the alarm when the time has already passed. Check it and
set the appropriate date and time (page 68).
Settings are Full • You can set up to 30 alarms. Cancel unwanted alarms.
• When you operate “Change Folder Name” function in the menu,
there are 10 folders with the same folder name as the folder you
selected. Please choose a different folder name from the templates
(page 82).
Unknown Data • This data is not in a file format that is supported by the IC
recorder. The IC recorder supports LPCM(.wav)/MP3(.mp3)/
LPEC(.msv)/WMA(.wma)/AAC-LC(.m4a) files. For details, see
“Design and specifications” on page 125.
• You cannot play back copyright protected files.
Message Cause/Remedy