Fixed focal length lenses, commonly known as "prime lens"
or simply as "primes," can complement your photographic
vision in a number of ways. Although most of the focal
lengths offered are also available with zoom lenses, some
special-purpose lenses are only available as primes: fisheye
lenses and most true macro lenses are examples. And
since the optical path only needs to work at one focal
length, it can be optimized to deliver a level of optical
performance that is a cut above the average zoom. But
many photographers like working with a fixed focal length
simply because it always gives them the same angle of view
and perspective, making it easier to pre-visualize what the
camera will see and thus providing the most consistent,
intuitive shooting experience.
Fixed Focal Length Lenses
16mm F2.8 Fisheye SAL16F28
Once a scientific tool but now a favorite of creative photographers,
fisheye lenses forgo the restraints of rectilinear perspective—the
complex “correction” that is required to keep straight lines looking
straight—to deliver expansive images that cover an extremely wide
angle of view with curvilinear perspective. The SAL16F28 provides
an extremely wide 180° angle of view on 35mm full-frame format
110° on APS-C format cameras
. In addition to eye-catching
interpretations of reality, it offers extended depth of field so that you
can capture huge vistas in which everything from 20 centimeters to
infinity is sharp, even at maximum aperture. Since the bulging front
element and wide angle of view prevent the use of external screw-in
filters, four selectable internal filter settings are provided: normal, O56
monochrome, B12 red reduction and A12 blue reduction.
• Weight
: 400 g
• Dimensions
Dia. x L
: 75 x 66.5 mm
• Max. magnification ratio: 0.15x
180° angle of view on full-frame cameras
Curvilinear perspective for unique, expansive images
Crisp image quality throughout the focus range
Four selectable internal filter settings
Distance from optical center of lens (mm)
Contrast (%)
Spatial frequency
10 line pairs/mm
30 line pairs/mm
R: Radial values T: Tangential values
Max. aperture
F8 aperture
At 16 mm
A mode, 1/200 sec., F7.1, -0.3 EV, ISO 200, Auto white balance; Photo: Yuji Nukui