Using the manuals
The manuals for this unit consist of the following 3 guides.
Before installing or operating the unit, read these manuals thoroughly and retain them for future
• Quick Start Guide
Contains instructions on basic operations, such as installation, navigation operations, etc.
After you have read this manual, you should be ready to start using the unit.
• Important Information
Contains important notices to be read prior to use, including warnings, specifications, and
troubleshooting instructions.
• Instruction Manual (PDF) (this manual)
Contains descriptions of all functions.
Notes on this manual
• This manual contains instructions for the NV-U94T, U84, and U74T.
–NV-U94T is the model used for illustration and screenshot purposes.
–Available functions differ depending on the model.
The following chart shows the main differences between models.
Check your model name and refer to the relevant indications in each section of this manual.
• Illustrations and screenshots in this manual may differ from the actual device.
U94T U84 U74T
TMC (Traffic Message Channel) zz
Bluetooth Hands-free Calling zz
Audio/video playback z