NWZ-E435F / E436F / E438F.GB. 4-109-569-12 (2)
Playing Photos
Playback of songs or FM tuner reception continues even while you are searching for
photos in the photo folder lists or photo lists, or when the “Now Playing” screen of the
Photo is displayed.
You can display the photos in a selected folder continuously (slide show play) (
You can arrange photos transferred to the player by folder. Select the player (as
[WALKMAN]) using Windows Explorer, and drag and drop a new folder onto the
[WALKMAN]. For details on data hierarchy, see
page 29.
Up to 1,000 photo folders can be displayed in the photo folder list. And, up to 8,000
photos can be displayed in the photo lists, regardless of the number of the folders in
which they are contained.
If the size of the photo is too large, or the photo file is damaged,
appears, and the
photo cannot be displayed.