NWZ-S636F / S638F / S639F / S736F / S738F / S739F .GB.4-110-117-11(1)
Playing Music
Searching for Songs Based on the Currently
Playing Song
You can search for other songs, albums, and artists by the song information of
the currently playing song. To use this function, the “/ Button Setting”
needs to be set to “Direct Search” ( page 58).
Now Playing
5-way button
Press and hold the BACK/HOME button until the Home menu
Press the /// button to select (Now Playing), and then
press the
button to conrm.
The “Now Playing” screen of the currently playing song appears.
Press the button to display a cursor and select an item in which
you want to search for songs, and then press the
button to
The following lists appear, depending on the item you selected.
rtist: The alb
um list of the currently playing artist.
Album: The song lis
t of the currently playing album.
Genre: An artist li
st in the same genre as the currently playing artist.
Release Year
: An artist list from the same release year as the currently
playing song.
This function is not corresponded to the podcast episodes.
This function is no
t available while you listening to “SensMe™ Channels.”