
Page Menu Submenu Control item Function
Paint 2 Black STR Black • Level To adjust the black stretch level
(cont.) Stretch 1 • Stretch Level/Point 1 To adjust the upper limit of the signal levels that activate the black
stretch function
• Stretch Level/Point 2 To adjust the lower limit of the signal levels that activate the black
stretch function
Black • Level To adjust the black stretch level
Stretch 2 • Compress Level/ To adjust the upper limit of the signal levels that activate the black
Point 1 compress function
• Compress Level/ To adjust the lower limit of the signal levels that activate the black
Point 2 compress function
Paint 3 Knee/DL DL To turn ON/OFF the DynaLatitude function (for automatically
setting the contrast between the bright and dark areas by detecting
the levels of the subject in these areas)
Knee Preset To turn ON/OFF the mode that uses the preset knee correction value
Auto Knee To turn the Auto Knee function ON/OFF
• DL To select the level of the DynaLatitude effects (Low/STD/High)
• Point To adjust the level at which the knee correction starts. As the value
becomes larger, the start level decreases, which enhances the knee
correction effects.
• Slope To adjust the knee slope (amount of knee correction)
Gamma • Master To adjust the master gamma
Init 3.5 To set the value of the initial part of the gamma curve for low
brightness to 3.5
Init 4.0 To set the value of the initial part of the gamma curve for low
brightness to 4.0
• R To adjust the level of the R gamma
• B To adjust the level of the B gamma
Matrix Matrix 1 Matrix Off To turn the matrix ON/OFF
• Hue To adjust the hue of the linear matrix
• Sat To adjust the color saturation of the linear matrix
Matrix 2 • R-G/• G-B/• B-R To adjust the color tone for the R–G, G–B, or B–R elements of the
Matrix 3 • R-B/• G-R/• B-G To adjust the color tone for the R–B, G–R, or B–G elements of the
Skin Matrix Skin Matrix To select the skin matrix function ON/OFF
• Hue To adjust the hue of the designated area
• Sat To adjust the color saturation of the designated area
Paint 4 White Clip • Master To adjust the amount of white clip (the highest white level). As the
value becomes larger, the output level decreases.
TLCS TLCS To turn the TLCS (total level control) function ON/OFF
• AGC/C.Point To set the f-stop value (f-2, f-2.8, f-4, or f-5.6) at which the iris
control is switched to AGC (auto gain control)
• AGC/Limit To set the upper limit value for the AGC (3 dB/6 dB/9 dB/12 dB/18
dB) adjustment
• AE/C.Point To set the f-stop value (f-5.6, f-8, f-11, or f-16) at which the iris
control is switched to the AE (auto exposure)
Auto Iris STD To select the standard auto iris mode
Spot Light To select the auto iris mode for shooting spot-lit subjects
Back Light To select the auto iris mode for shooting back-lit subjects
AI To select the intelligent auto iris mode
a) Only with models with the AI function