NW-S603/S605/S703F/S705F/S706F.GB 2-887-743-13(1)
Playing Songs...Playing Lists of Songs
Playing songs from 100 favorite songs (Favorite 100)
You can play lists of songs automatically created in SonicStage. When
connected to SonicStage, 100 frequently-played songs are renewed and appear
in the order of times and frequency.
Press and hold the DISPLAY/HOME button until the HOME screen
Rotate the shuttle switch to select (Playlist Select) and press the
button to conrm.
The Playlist menu appears.
Rotate the shuttle switch to select “Favorite 100” and press the
button to conrm.
Playback starts from the last song you listened to. If you did not play any
song, playback starts from the beginning. Playback continues in the order
through to the last song and then stops.
The 100 most frequently-played songs are updated every time you connect the player to