6.Command Specification MODE SELECT
6-48 SONY AIT-5 drive SDX-1100V series Ver.1.0
SOCF: Stop on Consecutive Filemarks function is not supported by the drive and if this bit is set a CHECK
CONDITION status is returned with an ILLEGAL REQUEST sense key.
RBO: This field is not supported. If this bit is set a CHECK CONDITION status is returned with an ILLEGAL
REQUEST sense key.
REW: The Report Early-Warning End-of –Media bit is set to ZERO indicates the drive will not report the
Early-Warning condition on reads but will report Early-Warning on writes before the physical End-Of –Partition.
The REW bit is changeable. A value of ONE indicates that the drive will report the Early-Warning condition on
writes and reads.
Gap Size: This field is not supported by the SDX-1100V and will be set to ZERO otherwise a CHECK CONDITION
with an ILLEGAL REQUEST sense key will be returned.
EOD Defined: This field will always be set to ZERO so that the drive will use its default EOD definition to detect
and generate EOD. Any other value will cause the drive to return a CHECK CONDITION status with an ILLEGAL
REQUEST sense key set.
EEG: The Enable EOD Generation bit will always be set to indicate that drive will generate an EOD. The drive
generates an EOD prior to any change of direction, if that change follows a write-type operation. This bit is only
valid on the MODE SENSE command where it is used to report drive capabilities. This bit is ignored by the drive
on a MODE SELECT command. The drive will not return a CHECK CONDITION.
SEW: The Synchronize at Early-Warning bit is set to ONE indicates buffered write data, Filemarks and Setmarks
at or after Early-Warning End-of-Media will be written to the Medium. The SEW bit changeable. A value of ZERO
indicates that the target will retain any unwritten buffered data, Filemarks, or Setmarks in the buffer when logical
Early-Warning is encountered. The default is 1.
Buffer Size at Early Warning: This field is not supported by the drive and if set, a CHECK CONDITION status is
returned with an ILLEGAL REQUEST sense key set.
Select Data Compression Algorithm: The SDX-1100V supports the Data Compression Page and that page will
be used instead of this field to control Data Compression. This field is not supported by the drive and if set, a
CHECK CONDITION status is returned with an ILLEGAL REQUEST sense key set.