SPACE 6.Command Specification
SONY AIT-3Ex drive SDX-800V series Ver.1.1 6-103
NO SENSE: If a File-mark occurs while spacing over blocks, the File-mark and Valid bits in extended sense are set
to one. The Information bytes are set to the difference (residue) between the requested count and the actual number
of blocks spaced over (not including the mark).
If a Save Set Mark occurs while spacing over blocks or File-marks, nothing is reported unless the SDX-800V C has
been configured through MODE SELECT to Report Save Set Marks.
If the Report Save-Set Marks configuration is enabled and a Save-Set Mark occurs while spacing over blocks or File
marks, the Valid bit and the Additional Sense keys in the Returned Sense data are set to indicate that a Save-Set
Mark has been encountered. The information bytes are set to the difference (residue) in the requested count and the
actual number of blocks or Save-Set Marks spaced over (not including the detected Save-Set Mark).
If End-of-Data is detected while spacing over blocks or marks, the Valid bit and the Additional Sense Keys in the
Returned Sense Data are set to indicate that an EOD mark has been encountered. The Information bytes are set to
the difference (residue) in the requested count and the actual number of blocks or marks spaced over.
If BOT is detected while spacing over blocks or marks in the reverse direction, the EOM bit is set in extended sense.
The Valid bit is set to one and the Information bytes to the difference (residue) between the requested count and the
actual number of blocks or File marks spaced over.