Time difference between local time and UTC
The table shows the time difference of each time zone with the
UTC, which could be formulated as follows:
Time difference = Local time* – UTC
The number of hours marked with a plus sign (+) indicate the
hours ahead of the UTC, while those marked with a minus sign
(–) indicate the hours behind the UTC.
* Local time prior to DST (daylight saving time) adjustment. The DST
setting does not affect the time difference indication.
** Default labels. To change the labels, see “Editing labels”, page 36.
Automatic adjustment of the MW channel step
A channel step is the basic interval unit in a frequency allocation
system. The MW channel step differs from country to country (10
kHz for North and South American countries, and 9 kHz for
Japan, Europe and other countries). Normally, the scanning or
tuning steps needs to be adjusted to match the system for the
area to scan or manually tune MW frequencies. This unit,
however, determines your local area from your time zone setting
(the time difference from the UTC) and automatically chooses the
appropriate channel step.
± 0 LONDON London
+ 1 C.EURO Central Europe Amsterdam, Berlin, Brussels,
Lisbon, Madrid, Paris, Rome,
Stockholm, Vienna, Zurich
+ 2 CAIRO Cairo Athens, Istanbul
+ 3 JEDDAH Jeddah Nairobi, Riyadh, Moscow
+ 4 DUBAI Dubai
+ 5 KARACH Karachi
+ 6 DHAKA Dhaka(Dacca)
+ 7 BNGKOK Bangkok Jakarta
+ 8 S.PORE Singapore Beijing, Hongkong
+ 9 TOKYO Tokyo Seoul
+ 10 SYDNEY Sydney Guam
+ 11 SOLMON Solomon Noumea
+ 12 AUKLND Auckland Fiji
– 11 SAMOA Samoa
– 10 HAWAII Hawaii Honolulu, Tahiti
– 9 ANCHRG Anchorage
– 8 L.A. Los Angeles San Francisco, Vancouver
– 7 DENVER Denver Calgary
– 6 CHICAG Chicago Dallas, Mexico City
– 5 N.Y. New York Lima, Panama, Toronto
– 4 CARACS Caracas Santiago
– 3 RIO Rio de Janeiro Buenos Aires, San Paulo
– 2 FN.ISL Fernando island
– 1 AZORES Azores Island
City or area Other cities in the area
9 kHz
9 kHz
Scan step
Label **
10 kHz