Copyright protection technology that manages the
music data from EMD/Audio CD on a personal
computer. Application software installed in the
computer encrypts the digital music content when
recording on the hard disk. This allows the user to
enjoy music content on the computer, but prevents
unauthorized transmission of contents across a
network or elsewhere.
SDMI (Secure Digital Music Initiative)
A forum constituted of approximately 130 or more
companies in the fields of audio records, computers
and consumer electronics, for the purpose of
developing an integrated method of copyright
protection technology that can be used world wide.
It is working to create a framework for preventing
illegal usage of audio files and to promote legal music
distribution services. The copyright protection
technology OpenMG, used in the OpenMG Jukebox, is
based upon the SDMI standard.
Check in/Check out
Check out is to transfer an audio data managed on a
personal comuputer by an OpenMG-compliant
software to a portable player (Music Clip Player, etc.).
Returning the checked out audio data back to that
comuputer is to check out. (You cannot move a
checked out audio data to another comuputer.)
You can also check out a data, check it back in, and
then check it out again.
According to the basic rule of the SMDI, up to four
copies of an audio file can be created by copying it
once, except for the audio data to which a special
condition for usage is set. Thus, while one copy is
saved in the computer, the other three can be checked
out to the portable players.