DC servo/video servo lens connection capability
The SSC-M183 and SSC-M383 cameras can connect easily
with either DC servo or video servo lenses.
AC 24 V/DC 12 V operation
These cameras accept either AC 24 V or DC 12 V power
sources and will automatically switch to the appropriate mode
upon receiving power.
This function allows the use of a manual iris lens instead of a
more costly automatic iris lens. As the scene illumination level
increases, these camera respond by automatically reducing
the exposure time of the photosensors.
This is achieved by changing the electronic shutter speed of
the CCD, in the range of 1/60 to 1/100,000 of a second.
These cameras can be used with CS-mount lenses and
incorporate a back focus adjustment, allowing for easy and
precise focus adjustments.
Typical System
Typical System