Chinese input 15
Components are building units, made up of strokes,
within a Chinese character. Components are similar
to radicals found in the characters.
After entering the first stroke of the desired
character, the component and character candidates
that started with that stroke are displayed according
to their frequency of usage. Using components is a
fast method for entering complex characters.
Note: The components and characters can
be distinguished by their font size – the
smaller candidates are components and
they are surrounded by dotted frames, the bigger
candidates are characters.
Example of stroke input:
Your phone has an association function which is
designed to associate a stroke with a component, a
component with a character, a character with words
or phrases.
To enter words
In this example, we are going to enter the words
信息 .
1. Enter the first stroke .
Components and characters starting with left slope
appear in the candidate row, see also “General
instructions for entering Chinese characters” on
page 12. Press
2. Enter another stroke, dot .
信 is displayed.
3. Move the cursor to highlight the character you want,
The character is moved up to the text row.
4. The other character 息 is displayed in the candidate
5. Repeat 3.
The character is moved up to the text row.