Calling your voicemail service
You can easily call your voicemail service by pressing and
holding , if you have saved your voicemail number in the
phone. You can get the number from your service provider.
To enter a voicemail number
} Messaging }
YES } Options } YES } Voicemail no. } YES.
Call time
During a call, the duration of the call is shown in the display.
You can check the duration of your last call, outgoing calls
and the total time.
To check the call time and reset timer
1 } Calls }
YES } Time and cost } YES } Call timers } YES.
2 Select an option }
3 Select Reset timers to reset the call time meter.
Call cost and cost information
Check with your network operator or service provider for
information about these services.
To check the call cost and reset cost meter
1 } Calls }
YES } Time and cost } YES } Call costs } YES.
2 Select an option }
3 Select Clear total cost to reset the call cost meter.
If you subscribe to cost information, you must
enter your PIN2 to clear the cost or time counter,
% 59 Security for information about PIN2.
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