
Hardware Setup SY-5SSM & SY-5SSM/5
Those processors may come in various voltages on different
markets. Therefore, always make sure you know the type of the
CPU you are installing and adjust the settings on JP30 accordingly.
This Motherboard supports CPU voltages from 2.0 to 3.52V in 0.1V
increments. Use the following tables to set the CPU voltage jumpers
JP30 to match the voltage value of your CPU:
CPU Voltage Setting: JP30
Voltage Value 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
single3.5V* open short short short short
single 3.3V open short short open short
dual 3.2V open short short open open
dual 3.1V open short open short short
dual 3.0V open short open short Open
dual 2.9V open short open open short
dual 2.8V open short open open open
dual 2.7V open open short short short
dual 2.6V open open short short open
dual 2.5V open open short open short
dual 2.4V open open short open open
dual 2.3V open open open short short
dual 2.2V open open open short open
dual 2.1V open open open open short
dual 2.0V short short short short open