Quick Start Guide
Step 9. CPU Frequency Settings: JP6, JP7, CJ1 and CJ2
For certain Intel CPUs, the multiplier is not locked such that setting a multiplier higher than
specified on the CPU is possible. For technical details read the following:
Your FC-PGA 133/100/66 MHz FSB CPU has a pin JP6, JP7 to tell it what FSB frequency
the CPU requires; If these two jumpers are shorted the motherboard will automatically run at
the frequency the CPU was specified to run at.
However, the FSB Frequency can also be set through jumpers CJ1 and CJ2 and it may
therefore differ from the Frequency the CPU specifies. If CJ1 and CJ2 are to be used, JP6 &
JP7 must be open. Doing so may however force your CPU to operate out of its
specifications and therefore SOYO can not guarantee the proper functioning of your system.
Refer to the following table:
CPU Frequency JP6 JP7 CJ1 CJ2
Short Short Open Open
Open 2-3 2-3
Open Open 1-2 2-3
Open Open 1-2 1-2
CMOS Clear (JP5)
In some cases the CMOS memory may contain wrong data, follow the steps below to clear
CMOS memory.
Clear the CMOS memory by momentarily shorting pin 2-3 on jumper JP5. This jumper
can be easily identified by its white colored cap.
Then put the jumper back to 1-2 to allow writing new of data into the CMOS memory.
CMOS Clearing
Clear CMOS Data Retain CMOS Data
JP5 Setting
Short pin 2-3 for
at least 5 seconds to
clear the CMOS
Short pin 1-2 to
retain new
Note: You must unplug the ATX power cable from the ATX power connector when
performing the CMOS Clear operation.