480.894.5437 Call us toll-free 1.800.685.2783
2167 East Fifth St, Tempe, Arizona 85281
Sediment Pre-Filter 0.5 micron MicroTec™ sediment pre-filter
Carbon Filter 0.5 micron carbon block pre-filter
RO Membrane Type Thin-Film Composite (TFC)
DI Cartridges
SilicaBuster™ DI
Rejection Rate Greater than 98% average
Input Water Pressure 60 psi (4.15 bar) line pressure*
Input Water Temp 77°F (25°C)
Recovery Rate 20% (i.e. 20% of the water will be
collected as pure water)
Nominal Membrane Flow Rates @ 60 psi & 77° F :
GPD (lpd) Product Water Flow Rate Concentrate Flow Rate
90 (340) 235ml/min 940 ml/min
150 (340) 235ml/min 940 ml/min
300 (680) 470ml/min 1880 ml/min
Reverse Osmosis Membrane Feed Water Requirements
For the 1 year SpectraSelect TFC membrane pro-rated warranty to be honored, the
following conditions must be met:
Operating Pressure* 40 – 80 psi (2.75 – 5.5 bar)
pH Range 3 – 11
Maximum Temperature 100° F (38° C)
Maximum Turbidity 1.0 NTU
Maximum Silt Density Index 5.0 (based on 15 min. test time)
Maximum Chlorine less than 0.1 ppm
Maximum TDS 2000 ppm
Maximum Hardness 10 grains (170 ppm as CaCO3)
Maximum Iron less than 0.1 ppm
Maximum Manganese less than 0.1 ppm
Maximum Hydrogen Sulfide 0 ppm
Langlier Saturation Index LSI must be negative
*Operating pressure less than 40 psi will require a booster pump:
less than 49 GPD use BPLF-MO-115(-230),
more than 49 GPD use BPHF-MO-115(-230).
*Operating pressure greater than 80 psi will require a pressure reducing valve.
. Fax 480.894.6109 Fax us toll-free 1.877.527.7873
E-mail: spectra@spectrapure.com Visit us on the web www.spectrapure.com
Membrane Output Calculation
Membranes produce the rated gallons per day (GPD) at 60 psi (4.1 bars) operat-
ing pressure, 77°F (25°C) operating temperature and 500 ppm total dissolved
Membrane output gallons per day (GPD) depends on operating pressure, water
temperature and the ppm TDS in the feed water.
Expected GPD = Rated GPD × PCF × TCF
PCF is the pressure correction factor
TCF is the temperature correction factor
Calculation of Pressure Correction Factor (PCF): The output (GPD) from
the membrane is directly proportional to the applied pressure.
Note: The membrane is rated to produce the rated GPD at 60 psi. For any pres-
sure other than 60 psi the output GPD is multipled by the PCF.
PCF = Line Pressure (in psi) ÷ 60
Calculation of Temperature Correction Factor (TCF): The output (GPD)
also decreases with decrease in temperature. This is because water viscosity
increases with decrease in water temperature.
Temperature Correction Factor Table (TCF)
°F /°C TCF °F \°C TCF °F \°C TCF
41.0 /5 0.521 59.0 /15 0.730 77.0 /25 1.000
42.8 /6 0.540 60.8 /16 0.754 78.8 /26 1.031
44.6 /7 0.560 62.6 /17 0.779 80.6 /27 1.063
46.4 /8 0.578 64.4 /18 0.804 82.4 /28 1.094
48.2 /9 0.598 66.2 /19 0.830 84.2 /29 1.127
50.0 /10 0.620 68.0 /20 0.857 86.0 /30 1.161
51.8 /11 0.640 69.8 /21 0.884 87.8 /31 1.196
53.6 /12 0.661 71.6 /22 0.912 89.6 /32 1.232
55.4 /13 0.684 73.4 /23 0.941 91.4 /33 1.267
57.2/14 0.707 75.2 /24 0.970 93.2 /34 1.304