
132 Section 2H: Using Your Phone’s Voice Services
Using the Voice Recorder
With this feature, you can easily record meetings, lectures, or
even brief memos to remind you of important events, phone
numbers, or grocery list items.
Tip:If you haven’t signed up for the Sprint PCS Ready Link service and
SprintPCS Ready Link mode is setto Disable or the SprintPCS Ready Link
service is locked, you can use the Ready Link/Recorder Button ( ) as a
Voice Recorder button in standby mode. You can use itto record memos or
display voice recorder options.
Recording Voice Memos
To record a voice memo:
1. Select > Tools > Voice Services > Voice Recorder >
Record or Record:Speaker.
2. Start recording after the beep.
To end the recording of your voice memo:
Press , , or .
Shortcut: From standby mode, press and hold to record a voice memo.
To record a phone conversation:
1. During a call, press Options(right softkey) > Tools >
Voice Services > Voice Recorder > Record.
2. Start recording after the beep.
To stop the recording during a phone call:
Press or while recording.
– or –
Press to stop recording and disconnect the call.
Recording also stops if the other party hangs up.
Note:Only the other party’s voice is recorded during this process.