CR/EN (1004) 4.0 General 17
2.13 Application area
The application area globally looks as follows:,
However, the maximum allowable pressures and temperatures depend strongly on the
selected materials and components. Also working conditions may cause differences.
2.14 Re-use
The pump may only be used for other applications after prior consultation with Johnson
Pump or your supplier. Since the lastly pumped medium is not always known, the
following instructions should be observed:
1 Flush the pump properly.
2 Make sure the flushing liquid is discharged safely (environment!)
ƽ Take adequate precautions and use the appropriate personal protection
means like rubber gloves and spectacles!
2.15 Scrapping
If it has been decided to scrap a pump, the same flushing procedure as described for
Re-use should be followed.
Table 1: Application area.
Maximum value
350 m
Discharge head 160 m
System pressure 3500kPa (35 bar)
Temperature -30 to +350 °C
300 mm