Before Start-up
Among other sources, outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease have re-
portedly been traced to cooling towers. Maintenance procedures
that prevent amplification and dissemination of Legionella and other
airborne bacteria should be formulated and implemented BEFORE
systems are operated and continued reqularly thereafter to avoid the
risk of sickness or death
CLEANING–New installations should be cleaned and treated with biocides
by a water treatment expert before startup. Remove any dirt and trash which
has accumulated in the cold water basin. Remove any sediment from the
cold water collection basin, sump, and screens. Use a water hose to flush
cold water collection basins.
OPERATE WATER SYSTEM–Start the circulating water pumps. Increase
the flow of circulating water gradually to match design water flow rate.
Circulate water over the cooling tower continuously for several days
before starting the mechanical equipment and placing the cooling tower
into continuous operation.
When starting in cold weather, follow procedures outlined in Cold
Weather Operation.
INSPECTION–It is imperative that all operating assemblies be inspected
before they are placed in operation. The following is a list of components
to be checked before starting the tower:
1–Check drive shaft alignment. Realign if necessary. See Marley Drive
Shaft Service Manual.
2– Check tightness of bolts in fan cylinder joints.
3–Check tightness of the following bolted joints in the fan and drive as-
a–Fan hub clamp bolts. See Marley Fan User Manual for correct torque
b–Fan hub cover bolts.
and motor mounting bolts.
d—Drive shaft coupling and guard bolts.
4–Check Geareducer oil for sludge or water by draining off and testing a
sample as outlined in the Geareducer User Manual. Check Geareducer
oil level at “oil level” mark on the side of the case. Add oil as required.