SD25 Series Screwdrivers
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Getting Started
All SD25 Series handheld screwdrivers have the following features to provide torque information
right at your fingertips:
• Programmable multi-purpose pushbutton for Cycle Complete, multi-parameter set selection, Data
Send, etc.
• Forward / reverse direction button
• Multi-color light-emitting diode (LED) illumination ring that indicates acceptable, high and low
The SD25 Series Screwdriver can identify its maximum speed and torque capacities to the controller.
However, you may need to verify that the screwdriver you have is capable of generating the torque
specified in the active parameter set displayed on the controller. If the screwdriver you are connecting
to a controller is not capable of developing the torque specified in the parameter sets it will not run at
all. You should first verify that the screwdriver operates properly.
All SD25 Series screwdrivers have internal memory inside that identifies how the screwdriver was
configured upon manufacture. Because the SD25 Series screwdrivers are highly programmable --
through both the factory settings contained in the screwdriver memory and the configuration of your
particular controller -- there are many possible combinations of screwdriver functionality.
• If your screwdriver has a multi-purpose button installed, you may have it configured to perform
one of several functions.
The Visual Supervisor (VS)-based controller (CS2000 Mini Controller connected to a laptop
computer) allows you to look at all of the factory or configured settings inside the screwdriver. VS
also allows you to change the software selectable Inputs and Outputs, change torque settings, add
parameters, enable and define the function of all switches on the screwdriver. To use the VS setup
program, open it on the laptop computer connected to the CS2000 Mini Controller. Then click on the
tool icon in the menu tree on the left side of the screen. Refer to Using Visual Supervisor Setup on
page 9 for further details.
If you have any questions about the functionality of your screwdriver, contact your sales agent or the
SPX GSE tech-motive tool Technical Service Department for assistance.