5. Audio and Clock Connections
Audio Connections
The MadiXtreme 64 features one MADI input connector and one MADI output connector. The MadiXtreme 128 (pictured
below) features two MADI input connectors and two MADI output connectors.
Pull out the protective plugs from the MADI ports on the MadiXtreme and Alpha-Link(s) to gain access to the connectors:
Use multimode optical fibre cables to connect MadiXtreme’s MADI input and output port(s) to the XLogic Alpha-Link(s)’s
MADI output and input ports respectively.
The MADI connectors are presented as an adjacent input/output pair (MADI head). There are no distinctive marks
on the backplate of the card to identify which of the pair is the input and which is the output. Standard MADI
cables come as a pair and the SC connectors on the cables are keyed so that they can only fit one way into the
MADI head. The cable’s input and output connectors will therefore always connect correctly to the corresponding
connector of the MADI head. However, there are cases where you may want to use a single cable (for instance, if
you only want to use the MADI output). In this case, please remember that for each MADI head, the input connector
is located closest to the BNC WordClock connector. Note also that MADI B is the one closest to the BNC.
Page 14
Protective Plug Output Input
MADI B Input & Output
(Channels 65 to 128)
MADI A Input & Output
(Channels 1 to 64)
Word Clock
(BNC connector)