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Hardware Limitations
Because of the many processor-intensive processes that are part of Vocalstrip, this plug-in uses a large number of
Duende DSP cycles.
Although this is un-noticeable for most ‘normal’ use, it does mean that if 6 or more Vocalstrips are loaded onto one
Duende DSP at 44.1/48kHz and all of the modules are enabled (ie De-esser, De-ploser etc.), then a 7th will not have
time to be processed. This will result in the audio ‘crackling’ or glitching.
To minimise this situation we have made the Vocalstrip modules only use DSP cycles when they are switched in. For
example, you can quite happily run 8 Vocalstrips on one Duende DSP as long as maybe two of them have the De-
esser switched out, and another two the De-ploser switched out. Also, in reality you are very unlikely to run more
than 6 fully enabled VocalStrips on any one Duende DSP!
If you do run into this, you will hear glitching. In this case unload the last plug-in, then load a couple of ‘dummy
channel strips’ onto a spare muted audio channel. The next VocalStrip you instantiate will then be loaded onto the
next DSP, so another 6 fully enabled plug-ins can then be run.