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X-Rack Owner’s Manual
4.4 Setup/MIDI Mode
.4.1 Overview
Enter SETUP/MIDI mode by holding down the SETUP/MIDI switch
till the display reads ‘5e’. The SETUP/MIDI LED flashes to show you
are in this mode. Press and hold the same switch to return to normal
Navigating in the Setup menu
he setup menu contains a number of options. These each contain a number of sub-options. Turn the
D-Pot to scroll through the main list of options and push the D-Pot to select an option for editing. The D-
Pot will now scroll through the available list of possible settings for that option. Pressing the D-Pot again
will save the currently selected setting and return to the normal option menu. The options are:
Option Display Setting Notes
Enter Setup 5e None
MIDI m1 MIDI Channel (ck) Select the MIDI channel to listen to for
remote control of the XR622 Master
module (01 to 16 or al for all)
MIDI Learn (le) Define which MIDI controls operate
the XR622 Monitor module controls
Save (sa) and Load (l0) Send or receive SysEx data to save or
load all internal stores to a MIDI
sequencer or librarian
Write Protect pr Off (0f) and On (0n) Toggles write protect on and off
Remote re Off (0f), On (0n) or MIDI (m1) Toggles remote Total Recall mode on
and off or enables MIDI remote control
of the XR622 Monitor module controls
Set Address ad a1, a2, a3, a4 Sets X-Rack address for AWS Total
Recall interface
Show Version ve Displays software version
Test te Test LEDs (tl) All module LEDs flash
Test switches (t5) Press TR computer switches to light
corresponding LEDs
Test pots (tp) Shows position of pots
Update Software fl Program upgrade mode (te) The only exit from this mode, without
updating the X-Rack software, is to
power-cycle the unit.
Dim Level d1 –3 (03) to –30 (30) dB Sets the ‘DIM’ level for the XR622
Monitor module