Page 4 Section 6 Rotator Maintenance
The planetary gearbox is used if changes in gear ratios are required between the hydraulic motor and turn-
table bearing to rotate the shear. Correct lubricant and change-out procedures are critical to maintain depend-
able gearbox operation. The Planetary Gearbox Lubricants chart on the following page specifi es correct lubri-
cants for various operating temperature.
The gearbox lubricant must be changed after the fi rst 50 hours of operation to remove metal fi lings from the
gearbox break-in period. Thereafter, refer to the following change-out schedule:
SAE 80W-90 500 hours or one year
Synthetic ISO 150 @ 104ºF 1000 hours or two years
Synthetic ISO 460 @ 104ºF 1000 hours or two years
Recommended inspection of the gearbox fl uid level is every 250 hours or six months.
• Cold weather lubrication is critical. If the temperature is below 5ºF (-14ºC), change out lubricant to synthetic
specifi cation.
• Slow rotation of the shear is recommended with all grades of lubricant at temperatures below 20ºF (-7ºC) to
warm up the rotation system prior to working the shear.
• All rotating shears leaving the factory have synthetic ISO 150 @ 104ºF grade lubricant in the gearbox.
1. Position the shear at a comfortable working height and in a position where gearbox is near level (gearbox
rotation axis should be horizontal).
2. Remove the upper head to access cover.
3. Place a lubricant catch basin below the drain plug capable of hold more than 2 quarts.
4. Remove the drain plug (bottom) and the visible top plug. These plugs are magnetic and will attract metal
fi lings from inside the gearbox. These fi lings should be removed from the plugs before reinstalling.
5. Reinstall the drain plug once the gearbox is fully drained.
6. Add the applicable gearbox lubricant through top plug hole. Refer to the chart on the following page for
proper fi ll capacity for your gearbox.
7. Remove lubricant catch basin.
8. Reinstall top plug and gearbox access cover.
Support the shear with blocking or cribbing during this procedure.
Be sure the excavator is shut off.