1. SGL/CTN – Toggles between Single and Continuous play modes. Continuous mode operates like a normal CD player, playing the entire
disc without stopping. Single mode only plays one track at a time, returning to the Cue point when the track is completed. The LCD will dis-
play “SINGLE” when in that mode.
2. LCD DISPLAY – Shows various information on the status, modes, and functions of the unit.
This button switches the time value displayed in the LCD between elapsed track time, remaining track time, and the total remaining
time for the entire disc. Markers next to the time readout indicate which of these modes is enabled.
– Indicates the pitch range in percent as selected by #5.
5. PITCH RANGE BUTTON – Selects between a pitch range of +/- 8, 16, 25, or 100%.
6. KEY LOCK BUTTON – Enables the key lock function, which allows the tempo or BPM of the music to be altered without affecting the key, or
pitch of the music.
This button is illuminated when enabled.
7. PITCH LOCK BUTTON – When illuminated, the pitch control is locked at 0%, regardless of the pitch slider’s position.
8. JOG WHEEL – This large wheel has multiple functions:
• When in pause or cue mode, the jog wheel can be used as a frame search control, allowing you to set it to a
specific point.
• During normal playback, the wheel works as a pitch bend, similar to a “push” or a “drag” on a turntable.
Turning the wheel counter-clockwise temporarily slows down the playback speed according to the speed,
velocity, and duration that’s applied to the wheel. Turning the wheel clockwise temporarily speeds up the
playback speed.
– Used to adjust the playback pitch percentage.
The slider is a set adjustment and will remain set until it is either moved, or
the PITCH LOCK is turned on.
10. PITCH BEND BUTTONS – Used to temporarily decrease or increase the playback speed. Pitch will return to the current setting when
11. SAMPLER BUTTON – Once cue or samples are saved to one or all of the BANKS (#13) the SAMPLER button can be engaged (illuminated
blue). Once in this mode, sounds stored in the BANKS will play regardless of whether the unit is in CUE, PLA
, or P
AUSE mode.
means that you can play samples at the same time that your CD is playing. Press the SAMPLER button again to disable and stop sample
playback. The audio sample can even play when there is no disc inside. By using the MODE button (section #21), samples can be played
once, or looped continuously
12. LOOP IN / OUT / RELOOP – These buttons control the marker points for seamless, on-the-fly looping. Press IN to set a cue point or the